Financial Wellness Assessment
Recent research from Manulife establishes a strong link between financial health and physical and emotional health – compelling evidence of the benefits of being financially prepared.
The Financial Wellness Assessment is a simple questionnaire that measures your current level of financial wellness and, based on your answers, provides you with a personalized action plan to help you improve it.
It takes about 5 minutes and doesn’t require any preparation.
By clicking "Get started now!" you agree to the terms and conditions.
About you
Household income
Home ownership
What are your budgeting habits?
I keep track of my income and expenses
I usually spend within my means
I have an emergency fund
Planning for Retirement
How are you doing with saving and planning for retirement?
I plan to retire in:
What are the main reasons why you are not saving more for
(Choose all that apply)
Are your savings invested in a way that is right for you?
Debt management
I have... (Choose all that apply)
How are you doing with managing your debt?
I am able to make my debt payments with no difficulty
In the last 12 months (choose all that apply)
Financial protection
Who depends on you for financial support (choose all that apply):
Would you feel financially prepared if one of these events happened to you, your spouse or dependents?
Serious Illness
Do you have a Power of Attorney?
Do you have a will?
Financial stress
Dealing with money causes me stress
I worry about my financial situation
Worrying about money distracts me at work
How ready are you to take steps to improve your financial situation?
Financial products and advice
I own financial products (investments or insurance) outside my employer plans
I usually consult a professional financial advisor before making a financial move
Check one or more of these statements if they apply to you
Financial priorities
Select your Top 3 Financial Priorities from the items below:
You have taken an important first step to improving your financial future.
Your score
of 100
User average
of 100
You're on your way to good financial health. Your personalized action plan will help you get there.
Your personalized action plan
Your financial priorities
If you need help,
contact us(opens in a new window)